National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA)
The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) is a charity and membership based organisation. We work to support adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs to take part fully in society and to have access to learning opportunities that meet their needs. NALA does this by raising awareness of the importance of literacy, doing research and sharing good practice, providing online learning courses, providing a tutoring service and by lobbying for further investment to improve adult literacy, numeracy and digital skills.
If you or anyone you know would like to improve their reading, writing, maths or digital skills call the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) on Freephone 1800 20 20 65 or text LEARN to 50050.
You can:
- Study online using or work with NALA’s Tutoring Service over the phone;
- Learn in your local adult education centre run by Education and Training Boards around the country;
- Or, you can do a combination of these to suit your lifestyle.
Everything is free. You decide what, where and how you want to learn. To find out more visit
How to connect with this service →Opening
Mon - Fri
9.30am - 5pm
Phone: 1800202065
We Support
Reading and writing
We work with
young people who are in/have:
College or Further Education
In work and looking learning opportunities
Leaving Cert
Left education after secondary school
Left School Early
Not in education, employment or training
Transition Year