Holly House Community Resource Centre
Holly House provide a range of supports to young people including:
- One to one support for young people aged 15 to 24yrs who are not in employment, training or education, we support young people with their own personal journey in identifying next steps, referral pathways and access to social, recreational, health and wellbeing, education, training and employment opportunities.
- Personal development groups for young people aged 12 to 16yrs, we support young people at risk and offer a range of age-appropriate personal development programmes and social/sporting activities.
- Grinds support in English, Irish and Maths for students in the Junior and Senior cycle, one to one support offered where needed.
Mon - Fri
9am - 6pm
Phone: 012722613
Email: Sandra.king@sspship.ie
Support to young people not in employment, training and education. Natalie.donegan@sspship.ie Personal Development Groups for young people Natalie.donegan@sspship.ie , karen.mcdonald@sspship.ie Grind Support ben.stapleton@sspship.ie
We Support
Career choices
Making friends
Mental Health
Moving to new education stage
Paying for education
Reading and writing
We work with
young people who are in/have:
College or Further Education
In work and looking learning opportunities
Junior Cycle
Leaving Cert
Left education after secondary school
Left School Early
Not in education, employment or training
Transition Year