Youth Service – Crosscare Dundrum Rathdown Youth Service
The Youth Employability Programme aims to support young people from the wider Dundrum Rathdown area (from around Ballyogan to Sandyford, Hillview, Dundrum areas)
Must be aged between: 16 to 24 years
- Create CVs & cover letters, complete college/job applications
- Carry out interview skills/dress for success
- Engage in mentoring to help clarify career paths / direction
- Find courses to help your future career
- Learn practical skills such as barista, first aid, barbering, waiter/silver service, gel nails/lash courses, safe pass etc (short, accredited courses)
- Apprenticeship Support
- Find alternative education if out of school
- Identify courses/ training pathways
- Mentoring to set goals etc.,
- Our Youth Employability Officer will provide a tailored service to best meet each young person’s individual needs. It is carried out at a time and location that suits the young person or group.
Contact our Youth Employability Officer to arrange a time and place to meet.
Phone: 086 4669767
Rachel can meet you at any of these locations:
We Support
Career choices
Job Skills
Making friends
Mental Health
Moving to new education stage
Paying for education
We work with
young people who are in/have:
College or Further Education
In work and looking learning opportunities
Junior Cycle
Leaving Cert
Left education after secondary school
Left School Early
Not in education, employment or training
Transition Year