Further Education – Further Education & Training Course Hub (FETCH)
Pointing you in the right direction. Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services. FET courses and programmes are provided through the Education and Training Board network throughout the country as well as through other local providers including online through SOLAS’ eCollege. FET courses are provided at levels one to six on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
FET is for anyone who is over 16 who wants to learn new skills or enhance existing skills to get the right job, progress to third-level or to support the achievement of personal goals. Depending on the course you choose, there may be certain eligibility criteria – contact your course provider or ETB for more information. Fetchcourses.ie was developed by SOLAS, the Further Education & Training Authority, in partnership with Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) and other Further Education and Training providers. Please use the website to find the course that’s right for you.
How to connect with this service →website: https://www.fetchcourses.ie/
We Support
Job Skills
Moving to new education stage
We work with
young people who are in/have:
In work and looking learning opportunities
Junior Cycle
Leaving Cert
Left education after secondary school
Left School Early
Not in education, employment or training