I thought school was ok, there were some subjects I hated and some I really loved such as woodwork and metal work. I like classes where you were actually doing something and not just sitting listening to the teacher or reading from a book.
I got in trouble a good bit in school. Sometimes I was late or I got bored listening to teachers. I fidget and need to be doing something! That’s why when I’m in classes that you can build or make stuff in, then I can actually focus on the learning.
I have just finished school this year and I still am not really sure what to do next. I think though since I enjoy woodwork and metal work that it could be something I would enjoy doing outside of school.
My youth workers were really helpful in encouraging me about school, and even now they still support and help me with options of what I could do next.
There was a job I wanted to apply for but I didn’t have a Safe Pass to apply. I worried that since I struggled in school with learning and theory, that I might not be able to pass the Safe Pass training.
My youth workers helped by signing me up for the course, and walking me through what I would learn on the day. I felt more confident going into the course on the day and I passed! I am going to start a job on a site in the next few weeks.